Lay Participation

Our Worship Services offer several ways for you to participate.

Coffee Hour

Sunday Coffee Hour, held in Gardner Hall or in the church garden (weather permitting), is a long-standing tradition at St. Paul's Church. It provides a weekly opportunity for the congregation to gather after the principal service for fellowship and light refreshments. It also provides an excellent occasion for welcoming visitors from far or near. Members take turns hosting the coffee hour each Sunday. 
Please sign up in Gardner Hall to host or contribute to our Sunday Coffee Hour. Gardner Hall is open daily from 8 AM to 6 PM or contact the church office at 508-228-0916 or send an  .

Ushers & Greeters

A friendly welcome from an usher gives an important first impression to visitors to St. Paul’s Church. Ushers are a visible part of all  services. They hand out bulletins, seat latecomers, take up the collection, guide communicants to the altar rail, and are present to answer questions and assist with specific needs. Ushers are representative of our Christian mission of hospitality, and we are always in need of more smiling faces at our door. Contact Curtis Barnes for more information via email or by calling 508-228-0916. 

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a ministry that’s primary focus is on the preparation of the altar for services including Holy Eucharist. Working in teams, the Guild sets the altar while maintaining the linens, vestments and vessels used in regular and special – including baptisms, holidays, weddings and funeral or memorial - services. In addition, traditionally following weekend services the Guild arranges and distributes flowers to community members whose life might be enhanced by such a gift. If you are interested in joining the Guild, contact Dottie Gennaro via email.

Lay Readers

Lay Readers perform an important ministry at St. Paul’s Church reading the day's lesson and psalms as well as the Prayers of the People. They are very visible and valuable ministers in all of our worship services. For more information, contact Curtis Barnes via the or by calling 508-228-0916.


Acolytes assist in the liturgy by carrying the processional cross and candles and by assisting the celebrant in preparing the altar for the Eucharist. Acolytes are expected to be regular members of the parish community who are familiar with the liturgy.  There is regular training for new acolytes, as well as seasonal 'brush-ups' for veterans. All who are interested in serving, especially young people, are encouraged to join us. Contact Curtis Barnes via our office, or by calling 508-228-0916 for more information. 

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the chalice at Holy Communion services.  Eucharistic Ministers are an important part of the fabric of St. Paul’s Church, as they support and help strengthen the role of the ordained clergy in the celebration of the liturgy. Their presence at the altar during weekly services is one of the most visible and active of our lay ministries. For more information, contact Curtis Barnes by email or by call 508-228-0916.