With Bulletin For January 9 Service

January 09, 2022

Dear St. Paul’s Church Family,
  Already in the midst of the Epiphany season, tomorrow in the Church we jump ahead three decades in the earthly life of Jesus and celebrate the traditional feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. After our lingering in homage at the crèche, as did the shepherds and magi, now we follow Jesus Christ into the world on a sacred mission to make the love of God more widely known. And like Jesus, we are able to do so through the grace of God by being anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit - in our own Baptism and throughout our lives.
  We take the opportunity in tomorrow’s worship service to renew our Baptismal Vows, as we do at Easter and whenever we celebrate a Baptism. In these vows that express our covenant relationship with God, we promise to “seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbor as ourself” and to “respect the dignity of every human being”. Wow, what a marvelous commitment! As we each strive to live into those vows, we and the world around us are transformed and healed. O Lord, let it be so!
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
As we begin a New Year, we are blessed to have received $435,000 in pledges from 150 parishioners for our 2022 annual stewardship campaign, with its theme of “Love, Serve, Thrive.” That is up 22% from 2021 and is 92% of our goal of $475,000 from 200 parishioners. The average pledge so far is about $2,900, also up 22%. These contributions will help pay for our increased mission work for our community with dedicated sources of funding, and they will also fund the operations of our church, including the salaries of our committed clergy and staff. Thank you to everyone who contributes Time, Talent and Treasure to St. Paul’s, as we aspire to do more “To Make the Love of God More Widely Known” in Nantucket and the wider world.
Our campaign continues; we need your pledge if you have not yet pledged—and it is easy to pledge. Simply go to our website and click on “Donate Now” at the top of the homepage to make a contribution online. You can also download a pledge card and brochure from the Donate Now page. Mail the pledge card into the church office or, if you are at a Sunday service on the island, drop the card into the collection plate. Please contact the church office if you have any questions about our 2022 campaign or about volunteer opportunities at St. Paul’s. 
Thank you again. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Peter and Patsy
The information to access our daily broadcast offerings is as follows:
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:30am
  • in person
  • via Facebook Live at St Paul's Church in Nantucket - Episcopal
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  • to phone in 1-301-715-8592 code: 98303668882#
Thursday morning Bible study 11:30-12:30 via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID # 957 8383 4554 and Passcode 206515).
Joe Hammer’s Music Monday; Prayers from the Attic & Compline on Wednesdays with Olly & me for Sweet Hour of Prayer via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID: 977 4392 2196 and Passcode 834439); all at 8:30pm on Facebook Live.
All of our Facebook offerings: are taped for later viewing and also available on
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If you have questions please call either Patsy Wright at 617-460-2006
or Peter Barnes at 617-838-4662
A note about our new online giving portal: it is secure, and your personal information will not be shared with any third party. As before, you may sign up to make one-time donations or recurring ones. If you have been making recurring pledge payments or gifts through our old website, please transfer your account information to our new one here: https://stpaulschurchnantucket.org/give/.
St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)
January 9,2022
Baptism of our Lord
Holy Eucharist
Prelude  Dominica II post Epiphaniam;
                            (Gregorian chant quoted: Omnis terra adoret te, Deus)
                            Charles Tournemire (1870-1939)
Let all the earth adore thee, and sing to thee, O God: let it sing a psalm to thy name, O Most High. Ps. Shout with joy to God, all the earth, sing ye a psalm to his name; give glory to his praise.
Please continue to wear your mask when singing.
Hymn 76                      On Jordan’s bank, the baptist’s cry                    Winchester New
Opening Acclamation
Collect for Purity
Collect of the Day
The Lessons
A Reading from Isaiah 43:1-7
Psalm 29
A Reading from the Gospel according to Luke.                        
(Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
Sermon                                                         The Rev. Max Wolf
Music Meditation       The Baptism of Christ                        Vocalists
                                                   Text: Luke 3:21-22; Music: Rachel Aarons (b. 1984)
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened and the
Holy Spirit descended in bodily form, like a dove. And a voice came down from heaven,
"You are my Son, the beloved; With you I am well pleased."
The Renewal of Baptismal Vows (BCP 292)
Prayers of the People Form VI (BCP 392)
Concluding Collect
The Peace
The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.
At the Offertory Improvisation on “Winchester New”
                                         Alec Rowley (1892-1958)
Doxology                                                                                                            Old 100th
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here
below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy
The Holy Communion
The Breaking of the Bread
At the Communion                    The Grace Divine                                      Vocalists
    Text: Charles Wesley (1707-1788); Hymn tune: Resignation; arr. Roger Price (b. 1955)
Come, let us use the grace divine, and all with one accord, In a perpetual covenant join ourselves to Christ the Lord; Give up ourselves, through Jesus’ power, His Name to glorify; And promise, in this sacred hour, for God to live and die. ♦ The covenant we this moment make be ever kept in mind; We will no more our God forsake, or cast these words behind. We never will throw off the fear of God Who hears our vow; And if Thou art well pleased to hear, come down and meet us now. ♦ Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, let all our hearts receive, Present with Thy celestial host the peaceful answer give; to each covenant the blood apply which takes our sins away, And register our names on high and keep us to that day!
Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)
Epiphany Blessing
Please continue to wear your mask when singing  
Hymn 616                        Hail to the Lord’s Anointed         Es flog ein kleins Waldvogelein
Voluntary              Postlude                                          Harald Rohling (1926-2014)
Organist Deborah Beale
Verger                                           Curtis Barnes
Reader                                           Ian Robertson                                       
Ushers                                           Lou Gennaro, Carolyn Hills
Altar Guild                                    Dottie Gennaro, Toni McKerrow 
Vocalist                                         Jackie McGrath, Ian Robertson
Live-Stream Technician              Andrew Cromartie
Ministers of the Parish                All Members of St. Paul’s Church

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