With Bulletin For June 19 Service

June 18, 2022

Dear St. Paul’s Church Family,
  What an extraordinarily productive and festive week it has been for our parish! We had our usual committee meetings, Joe Hammer’s Music Monday, Sam Baker’s Lunchbox Series, St. Paul’s Suppers delivered to over ninety people, and our upbeat Thursday Bible study. In addition, we hosted a pizza and cupcake party for kindergartners, a luncheon for the Fairwinds counseling center staff, and enjoyed a fabulous Ships Inn fundraiser dinner - a gift from Chef Mark Gottwald and his staff. Wow!
   Thank you to all who organized and participated in all these efforts, especially our Mission Committee, and also Christine and Olly for organizing our dinner so magnificently. Thank you too for your condolences and prayers with the death of my sister Joanne last weekend. It is at times like these that I so appreciate being part of such a loving parish family. 
See you at church!
A message from Mission Committee Co-Chair and Ready, Set, Read coordinator Dorothy Baker:
"This week, we celebrated the conclusion of our reading program, 'Ready, Set, Read' with kindergarten students at the Community School. Our volunteers, teachers, and students enjoyed pizza and cupcakes as we laughed, sang, and Father Max read aloud to 24 students. 
Thank you to Peter and Cheryl for donating "Nat, Nat, the Nantucket Cat" to each student, to Father Max and Olly for the pizzas, and to Leslie for the cupcakes. A big thanks, also, to our reading volunteers: Dottie, Libby, Lindsley, Lucy, Father Max, Olly, and Randy. 
Our Tuesday reading put books in the hands of these fabulous boys and girls, and smiles on their faces! Thank you, thank you. Dorothy"
This Week at St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket
Tuesday -Thursday
8:30 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House
9:00 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House
Monday, June 20
7:00 pm      Music Monday in person; broadcast from church
Tuesday, June 21
10:30 am     Sherburne Commons Worship
12:00 pm     Lunchbox Series in Gardner Hall 
Wednesday, June 22
9:00 am      Staff Meeting
Thursday, June 23
11:30 am     Bible Study in person and broadcast in church   
Sunday, June 26
8:00 am     Holy Eucharist in Memorial Garden
9:30 am     Holy Eucharist
10:45 am    Coffee Hour
Save the Date
Fri., Aug. 12 6:00 pm     Jazz Mass in Memory of Nancy Broll
Sun., Aug. 14 9:30 am   Jazz Mass in Memory of Nancy Broll
Looking for used bikes in good condition to donate to our J1 Visa bike program. Please contact the office if you are interested in donating. 
Upcoming Happenings
St. Paul's Lunchbox Series A / Lunch with Pontius Pilate in Gardner Hall and Zoom
This Tuesday (noon-1pm, 21 June 22), join us for the latest installment of the Lunchbox Series when we bid adieu to Mr Pontius Pilate. We have dissected Pilate's mind from multiple angles and identified the fatal flaw in human decision making. In our last lunch with Pilate, we will feast on a group Theological Reflection (TR) that focuses on the legacy of Pilate in America.
Pack your lunch and join us for a free-flow TR in Gardner Hall or zoom in with the link found below:
Pack your lunch and join us in Gardner Hall or zoom in with this link:
Meeting ID: 991 0683 5595
Passcode: 000535 
On Tuesday, July 12, St. Paul's Lunchbox Series will begin its study of Mary Magdalene from the perspective of the Gospels, history, art, literature, and philosophy. The core book for Lunchbox Series B is The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by the mystic, Episcopal theologian, Maine seafarer, and prolific author Cynthia Bourgeault. If you plan to join us for lunch with Mary Magdalene, we encourage you to order your copy of Cynthia's book from Mitchell's Book Corner/Nantucket Bookworks or link to Amazon right away.
Vi Allen Memorial Service
June 25 at 11:00 am
Christmas Market Collection
Although months away we are starting to collect new or gently used treasures that would make a wonderful Christmas present.
The information to access our daily broadcast offerings is as follows:
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:30am
  • in person
  • via Facebook Live at St Paul's Church in Nantucket - Episcopal
  • or via Zoom at click here and then click on Join a Meeting and use the ID code and then the Passcode when prompted with the meeting ID # 983 0366 8882 Passcode: 373740
  • to phone in 1-301-715-8592 code: 98303668882#
Thursday morning Bible study 11:30-12:30, in person at church and via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID # 957 8383 4554 and Passcode 206515).
Joe Hammer’s Music Monday at 7pm, in person at church and via Facebook Live. Prayers from the Attic on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm with Olly & Max for Sweet Hour of Prayer via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID: 977 4392 2196 and Passcode 834439).
St. Paul's Church in Nantucket is on AmazonSmile
Log on to Amazon
  • Settings
  • Amazon Smile
  • Choose charity
  • St. Pauls' in Nantucket
  • Turn on notifications
Amazon will donate .05% of all Smile purchases to St. Paul's.
If you have questions please call either Patsy Wright at 617-460-2006
or Peter Barnes at 617-838-4662
A note about our new online giving portal: it is secure, and your personal information will not be shared with any third party. As before, you may sign up to make one-time donations or recurring ones. If you have been making recurring pledge payments or gifts through our old website, please transfer your account information to our new one here: https://stpaulschurchnantucket.org/give/.
St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)
June 19, 2022
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Ringing the Bell
Prelude                   Allegretto, Miniatures for Organ, Op. 55
                                   Flor Peeters (1903-1986)
Opening Hymn 450     All hail the power of Jesus’ name!      Coronation
The Acclamation 
Celebrant Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
People And blessed be his kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.
A Song of Praise S278               Gloria in Excelsis
                                                           Setting: William Mathias (1934-1992)
Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Collect of the Day
The Lessons
A Reading from 1 Kings 19:1-15a
Psalm 42
A Reading from Galatians 3:23-29
The Holy Gospel according to Luke (8:26-39)
Sermon              The Rev. Max J. Wolf        
Music Meditation    Larghetto, Miniatures for Organ, Op. 55
                                         Flor Peeters
Prayers of the People Form VI (BCP 392)
Concluding Collect
The Peace
The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.
Offertory                    Nearer, My God, to Thee                   Vocalists
Tune: Bethany. Arr. Georgiann H. Toole (b. 1958)
Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee; nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! W Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, darkness be over me, my rest a stone; yet in my dreams I'd be nearer, my God, to thee; nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! W Now on joyful wing cleaving the sky, sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I fly, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee; nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
Doxology                                                                                                           Old 100th
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The Holy Communion
The Breaking of the Bread
At the Communion   Bread of the world in mercy broken   Vocalists
           Words: Reginald Heber (1783-1826). Music: Antony Baldwin (b. 1957)
Bread of the world, in mercy broken, Wine of the soul, in mercy shed, By Whom the words of life were spoken, And in Whose death our sins are dead. W Look on the heart by sorrow broken, Look on the tears by sinners shed; And be Thy feast to us the token, That by Thy grace our souls are fed.
Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)
Easter Blessing
Hymn 493     O for a thousand tongues to sing       Azmon
Voluntary                 Allegro maestoso, Miniatures for Organ, Op. 55
                                  Flor Peeters
Deacon                                  The Rev. Susan Phillips
Verger                                     Curtis Barnes
Crucifer                                  Paul Borneman III 
Prayers of the People       Paul Borneman III 
Readers                                  Gina Crenshaw, Sam Baker
Ushers                                    Carolyn Hills, Steve Paradis    
Altar Guild                           Olly Wolf, Ann Oliver, John Howish
Vocalists                                 Deborah Beale, Eli Jordan, Kathi Linville,
Ann Martindale, Dan Rabold,
                                               Libby Tracey, Margot Young
All are invited to Coffee Hour after the service in
the Macintyre Memorial Garden (Parish House Garden).
Our Coffee Hour Coordinators this morning
are Paula Henderson and Olly Wolf.

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