With Bulletin For May 21 Service

May 20, 2023

Dear St. Paul’s Church Family,

  At the gracious invitation of friends, Olly and I were able to take a brief break this week from meetings and gardening to participate in the Nantucket Wine Festival for the first time. We missed most of the grand events, but rather we enjoyed dining and socializing in smaller venues. We met with vineyard owners, importers and marketers, chefs, artists, and a great diversity of festival patrons from the island and from across the country. I discussed St. Paul’s Suppers, the Nantucket Food Pantry, and community needs with the saintly director of a very large Food Bank in Salem. A compassionate marketing director and fellow Episcopalian shared with me the project she is initiating to address society’s divisiveness and to promote unity - a tall order but a wonderful vision.

  In the Gospel according to John assigned for tomorrow, Jesus completes his Farewell Discourse at the Last Supper by praying for unity. As we have been discussing over the months in Sam Baker’s Lunchbox Series, humankind’s disunion with God also leads to disunity with each other and division within community. Politics and classism continue to exacerbate the problem, and sadly I witnessed this too during this week’s festival, overhearing rude comments and cruel jokes. We can do better. We must do better.

A marvelous experience this week was helping prepare a young adult parishioner for his upcoming Baptism. In the midst of a long thoughtful discussion, we walked together inside church pausing in front of each stained glass window that narrates the life of Jesus Christ from the Annunciation to Mary to Jesus’s Ascension into heaven (celebrated in the Church on Thursday). I noticed exquisite details that I had previously missed, and I was honored to share our faith tradition and also to receive his questions and to hear his fresh perspective. In the midst of all the stuff of life, we have so much for which to be thankful. We gather together to give thanks every Sunday, see you at church!

The peace and joy of Christ,




Thank your for supporting our compassionate work in the community! If you are able to give of your time or talent with any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact the St. Paul’s Mission Committee.


This year will be the sixth year that the St. Paul’s Outreach Committee’s Laundry Love program has provided laundry assistance to fellow islanders designated as needing a hand with its cost. The Laundry Love volunteers have now resumed in-person laundry assistance at Holdgate’s Island Laundry. St. Paul’s provides laundry cards to other community non-profits for their own discretionary distribution. Program Director: Randall Wight



St. Paul’s has had the privilege of assisting the Nantucket Community School in supporting the children of Nantucket since 2021. St. Paul’s provides daily snacks for all of the children enrolled in Nantucket Community School programs. These include applesauce, Goldfish, Sun Chips, and Smartfood popcorn. The snacks are available every school day and for summer programs, and are welcomed by all families. Program Director: Dorothy Baker



St. Paul’s provides volunteer readers for “Ready, Set, Read.” This is a reading program for kindergarten students enrolled in the NCS Extended Day, an after-school program. A dedicated group of volunteers from the parish read weekly with students, one-on-one, at the elementary school. The books we read with the children are selected by the school’s Coordinator of Early Childhood Education. The program was brought to NCS and originally funded by a generous donor who supplied the initial books. Additional books to replenish the library have been donated by our rector, Father Max.

Program Director: Dorothy Baker



St. Paul’s has collected a library of twenty bicycles to lend to J1 Visa international students. We are looking for assistance with repairs and providing helmets and lights. Program Director: Liz Bristow.


Grab your family and your house guests and join us for an hour of collecting litter with the Clean Team. We will gather afterwards in the McIntyre Garden for coffee, donuts and fellowship. June 3rd, July 8th, August 5th, September 9th. 



St. Paul’s has long supported the Nantucket Food Pantry and donates food and supplies to it on a weekly basis. We welcome your contributions to that effort. Please pick up one of our blue bags at the back of the church or Parish House. (with a shopping list enclosed) Program Director: Libby Tracey 



Our parish initiated “St. Paul’s Suppers” in May 2020 to serve our fellow islanders, with an emphasis on helping individuals and families affected by the pandemic. Ruth and Tim Pitts of Bistro at Home prepare nutritious meals every Wednesday at St Paul’s. The meals are then delivered by our volunteers. Presently, we deliver them to about 80 households. This year, St. Paul’s Suppers Program will also continue to provide meals to A Safe Place and The Warming Place. Please let Sheila Daume know if you are able to drive any Wednesday. Pickup at the church is 3pm.

Program Director: Sheila Daume



The parish actively supports Fairwinds, Nantucket’s only full-time Mental Health and Addiction Counseling Center. During the isolating years of the pandemic, St. Paul’s was able to provide meal and gift cards to the Fairwinds counseling staff in recognition of its especially challenging workload. As 2023 begins, we look forward to hosting in-person events for Fairwinds staff as a “thank you” for its immeasurable contribution to our community's overall health.

Program Director: Libby Tracey



Ships Inn Dinner/Fundraiser, Sunday, June 4 at 6:00pm

Join fellow St. Paul's parishioners for dinner at Ships Inn. All proceeds go to St. Paul's through the generosity of the Ships Inn owner and Chef Mark Gottwald and his staff. Your ticket of $125 includes all food, wine and gratuities. Wine will be provided throughout the reception and meal; cash bar for mixed drinks, beer and cordials. Make your reservation as soon as possible as the evening typically is a sell out. Reservations and payment should be made no later than Sunday, May 28 by contacting the church office at or call 508-228-0916. Checks may also be placed in the Sunday offering plate; indicate “Ships Inn Dinner” in the memo section.

This Week at St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket


Tuesdays -Thursdays

8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  Regular church office hours; Parish House



9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  Regular church office hours; Parish House

Tuesday, May 23

10:00 a. m.    Sherburne Commons Worship

11:00 a.m.      Staff Meeting


Wednesday, May 24

12:00 p.m.     Mid-week Music


Thursday, May 25

11:30 a.m.    Bible Study in the Church


Sunday, May 28  Pentecost Sunday

8:00 a.m.     Garden Service

9:30 a.m.     Holy Baptism with Eucharist

10:30 a.m.    Coffee Hour in Gardner Hall


Memorial Day Requiem

Join us on Memorial Day at 9:30am as we honor the heroic sacrifice of those who died in war for the freedoms we now enjoy.



Upcoming Happenings

St. Paul's Lunchbox Series D / Lunch with King David

Lunchbox is in the Wilderness for two weeks. Our exploration of Power, Oppression, Deliverance, and Renewal resumes Tuesday, May 30, noon to 1 pm, in the Church. Please join us for Lunch with King David. Special guests include Samuel and King Saul. To receive the syllabus for Lunchbox Series D, please write to Sam Baker at


Save the Date

May 28 - 8:00 a.m., Summer Garden Service Resumes

May 29 - 9:30 a.m., Memorial Day Requiem

June 3 , July 8, August 5, September 9

8:00 a.m., Clean Team with Adam Dread

June 27-29 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Vacation Bible School featuring Cowboy Colby

July & August - Tuesdays, Nantucket Musical Arts Society

July 20 - St. Paul’s Summer Fair & KidStreet

July 20—6:45 p.m., Reception with NHA

July 28 - 7:00 p.m., St. Paul’s Jazz Concert

July 29 & July 30 - St. Paul’s Jazz Mass in memory of Nancy Broll

August 4 - 7:00 p.m., Rossini Club Concert with Nick Davies

August 11-13 - Lisa Miller, Spiritual Child

Updated Contact Information

Please email if your contact information has changed and needs to be updated.

The information to access our daily broadcast offerings is as follows:


Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:30am

  • in person
  • via Facebook Live at St Paul's Church in Nantucket - Episcopal
  • or via Zoom at click here and then click on Join a Meeting and use the ID code and then the Passcode when prompted with the meeting ID # 983 0366 8882 Passcode: 373740
  • to phone in 1-301-715-8592 code: 98303668882#


Thursday morning Bible study 11:30-12:30, in person at church and via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID # 957 8383 4554 and Passcode 206515).


Joe Hammer’s Mid-Week Music @St. Paul's, Wednesdays at noon, in person at church and via Facebook Live.

St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)

May 21, 2023

Seventh Sunday of Pentecost

Holy Eucharist



Ringing of the Bell

Prelude Voix Humaine

                                   Nicholas Le Bègue (c. 1631-1702)

Hymn 494                 Crown him with many crowns                Diademata

The Easter Acclamation 

Celebrant Alleluia. Christ is risen.

People The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.


Gloria S280   (Gloria in Excelsis)          Setting: Robert Powell 9(b. 1932)


Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


Collect of the Day

The Lessons


A Reading from Acts: 1:6-14

Psalm 68:1-10,33-36

A Reading from 1 Peter 4:12-14;5:6-11

The Holy Gospel according to John 17:1-11.


Sermon          The Rev. Max J. Wolf

Music Meditation        Petitte Elevation

                                     Nicholas Le Bègue

The Prayers of the People

Concluding Collect

The Peace

The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.


Offertory Anthem             Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day         Choir

           Tune: Traditional Carol; Setting by Richard Shephard (1949-2021)

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day; would my true love did so chance to see the legend of my play, to call my true love to my dance; Chorus: Sing, oh! my love, oh! my love, this have I done for my true love. For thirty pence Judas me sold, his covetousness for to advance: Mark whom I kiss, the same do hold! The same is he shall lead the dance. Chorus Before Pilate the Jews me brought, where Barabbas had deliverance; They scourged me and set me at nought, judged me to die to lead the dance. Chorus Then on the cross hanged I was, where a spear my heart did glance;There issued forth both water and blood, to call my true love to my dance. Chorus Then up to heaven I did ascend, where now I dwell in sure substance on the right hand of God, that man may come unto the general dance.

Doxology sung                                                                                     Old 100th


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise

 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The Holy Communion

Sanctus S125     Holy, holy, holy Lord Setting: Richard Proulx (1937-2010)

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Hosanna in the highetst.

The Breaking of the Bread


At the Communion Courante

                                        Louis-Claude Daquin (1697-1772)


Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)


Easter Blessing


Hymn 460                 Alleluia! sing to Jesus!                               Hyfrydol


The people respond: Thanks be to God. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


Voluntary                    Tambourin en Rondeau

                                   Louis-Claude Daquin



All are invited to Coffee Hour in Gardner Hall after the service.


This morning’s coordinators are Yvette St. Jean and Sister Susanna.






Celebrant                                    The Rev. Max J. Wolf 

Deacon                                      The Rev. Susan Phillips

Verger                                         Curtis Barnes

Eucharistic Minister                  Paul Borneman III

Readers                                       Karen MacNab, Jackie McGrady

Prayers of the People                 Libby Tracey                  

Ushers                                         Malcolm MacNab, Yvette St. Jean

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