With Bulletin for September 18 Service

September 16, 2022

Dear St. Paul’s Church Family, 

  Gardening has been a joy that my wife Olly and I have shared throughout the years, and may even be considered a metaphor for our lives together. When first married, we cultivated a large plot in Boston’s Victory Gardens in the Fenway down the street from our apartment. We formed a gardening club at seminary and greatly enhanced the beauty of the campus, created a cactus garden in Tucson and a sweet courtyard garden in center city Philadelphia. In Delaware, after her tireless work, the parish officially changed the name of the one-acre church property to Olly’s Garden, where we hosted large get-togethers with entertainment from the fifty-member local community band. We are not always able to stay and reap what we sow, but it is joy for us to plant and nurture and to experience the miracle of new life.

     As we approach the autumn equinox, I especially appreciate the season’s late blooms - as do the bees, birds and butterflies. These too seem to me to be a living metaphor for the possibilities of continually blooming as we all age, which I see in loved ones all around me. I close with a Thanksgiving Prayer for the Beauty of the Earth from our Book of Common Prayer: “We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of earth and sky and sea; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these good gifts, and we pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name, now and for ever. Amen.” See you at church!



This Week at St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket


Tuesdays -Thursdays

8:30 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House



9:00 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House


Monday, September 19

7:00 p.m.     Music Monday in person and broadcast


Tuesday, September 20

12:00 p.m.     Lunchbox Series in Parish House

1:00 p.m.       Sally Johnson Memorial 


Wednesday, September 21

9:00 a.m.      Staff Meeting


Thursday, September 22

11:30 a.m.     Bible Study in person and broadcast in church  


Sunday, September 25

9:30 a.m.     Holy Eucharist

10:45 a.m.   Coffee Hour


Updated Contact Information

Please email if your contact information has changed and needs to be updated.

Upcoming Happenings

St. Paul's Lunchbox Series B / Mary Magdalene in Art and Philosophy

Please join us for a lunch conversation with Mary Magdalene on Tuesday, September 20, noon to 1pm in the the Parish House. We are homeward bound in our exploration of God's Love in Mary Magdalene. This Tuesday, we explore Love in the 1st Letter of Paul to the Corinthians and in other selected favorites from the New Testament. For the grand finale on Tuesday, 27 September, we search for God's Love in the great art of Mary Magdalene.  We welcome newcomers. No tests. No incorrect answers. We are humble explorers.  

To receive the discussion handout for this lunch, please write to Sam Baker at   .  

If you are unable to join us in person, please join us by zoom at  Zoom link for Lunch with Mary M

St. Paul's Lunchbox Series C / Preview

"And he said to humankind, 'Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding'." (Job 28:28) 

Please join us for lunch with Judas Iscariot beginning Tuesday, 11 October, noon to 1 pm. Over the course of Lunchbox Series C, we will explore Judas in the Gospel, history, art, literature, philosophy, and theology. Supplemental (optional) reading will include Shakespeare's Richard III, playwright Harold Pinter's Betrayal, theologian Thomas G Long's What Shall We Say? Evil, Suffering, and the Crisis of Faith, and Bonhoeffer's Ethics and his book Letters and Papers from Prison. 

Sunday, October 2

Blessing of the Animals

Join us for the annual Celebration of St. Francis of Assisi and the Blessing of the Animals during the service of Holy Eucharist. Please bring your pets for the entire service and a blessing. All are welcome!


Ships Inn Dinner/ Fundraiser - Sunday, October 9th at 6:00 p.m.

There are a few seats available. If you have already made a

reservation please contact the office at or 508-228-0916, to make an arrangement for payment.

Saturday, October 8—2022 Nantucket Community Music Center (NCMC) 31st Annual Organ Crawl:

Dare to Dance: Nantucket’s Pipe Organs Trip the Pipes Fantastic


Five churches, five organs, one fantastic morning! Stroll from church to church along Nantucket’s historic streets to hear and experience the island’s pipe organ treasures featuring Jeff Cutts, minister of music, First Congregational Church, Joe Hammer, director of music and organist, St. Paul’s Church (Episcopal). Attend all five performances, or simply drop in and drop out as your schedule permits. Free will offering; no admission charge.



9:00am St. Mary’s - Doors open

9:30am – 9:50am St. Mary’s; Jeff Cutts, organist

10:05am – 10:25am First Congregational Church; Jeff Cutts, organist

10:40am – 11:00am United Methodist Church: Joe Hammer, organist

11:15am – 11:35am Unitarian-Universalist Meeting House; Jeff Cutts and       Joe Hammer, guest organists

11:50am – 12:10am St. Paul’s Church; Joe Hammer, organist






ACCEPTING – silver, art, Nantucket memorabilia, jewelry, Christmas décor, handmade items, etc.

No books, electrical appliances, used clothing or furniture


Items may be left on bench inside Parish House door

weekdays 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (tax deduction forms available)


Donate to underwrite the Christmas Market. Write a check to St. Paul’s Church marked “Christmas Market” on memo line or go to St. Paul’s website and click “Donate Now” button to use your credit card.

St. Paul's Church in Nantucket is on AmazonSmile
Log on to Amazon
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Amazon will donate .05% of all Smile purchases to St. Paul's.
If you have questions please call either Patsy Wright at 617-460-2006
or Peter Barnes at 617-838-4662
A note about our new online giving portal: it is secure, and your personal information will not be shared with any third party. As before, you may sign up to make one-time donations or recurring ones. If you have been making recurring pledge payments or gifts through our old website, please transfer your account information to our new one here: https://stpaulschurchnantucket.org/give/.


Music — sing in the choir or play instruments during 9:30 services. Time commitment: 1-2 hours on Sunday mornings, plus rehearsals. Learn more by clicking here and contact Music Director Joe Hammer for more information at

Liturgy — volunteers needed to usher, read lessons, serve as acolytes and/or eucharistic ministers on Sunday mornings, and at other services throughout the year. We have services at 8 AM and 9:30 AM at some times of the year, as well as at special services such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Learn more by clicking here and contact Curtis Barnes, Verger, for more information at .


Christian Education — teach Sunday school during 9:30 services. Time commitment — one hour on Sunday mornings plus class preparation time (curriculum provided). Contact Father Max for more information at

St. Paul’s Suppers — pack meals, bake cookies or make deliveries once a week to families and parishioners dealing with food insecurity or homebound. Time commitment: 1-2 hours on Wednesdays. Learn more by clicking here, and contact Dorothy Baker, Mission Committee co-chair, for more information at

Laundry Love — distribute laundry machine debit cards in person at Holdgate’s Island Laundry. Time commitment: one afternoon per week with other volunteers. Click here to learn more, and contact Dorothy Baker, Mission Committee co-chair, for more information at 

And don’t forget our many committees, groups and activities — Altar Guild, Hospitality, school snack and reading programs and more — that need your help and don’t take much time, either. Learn more about them by clicking here and contact the church office by emailing for more information. 


St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)

September 18, 2022

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist


Ringing of the Bell

Prelude               Meditation on Slane   

                               Ann Colgrove, piano; Joe Hammer, organ

                             Arr. Neil F. Brown (contemp.)

Hymn 488           Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart                        Slane

The Acclamation 

Celebrant Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

People And blessed be God's kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.

Collect for Purity

Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Collect of the Day

The Lessons


A Reading from Jeremiah8:18-9:1

Psalm 79:1-9

A Reading from 1Timothy2:1-7

The Holy Gospel according to Luke (16:1-13)


Sermon                                               The Rev. Max J. Wolf      

Music Meditation          Adoration from Sonata Pascale

                                               Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens (1823-1881)

The Nicene Creed


The Prayers of the People

The Peace

The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.


Offertory                           How Shall I Sing That Majesty?                 Choir

Tune: Coe Fen, Kenneth Naylor (1931-1991) Arr. Ryan Hebert (b. 1975)


How shall I sing that majesty which angels do admire? Let dust in dust and silence lie; sing, sing, ye heavenly choir. Thousands of thousands stand around thy throne, O God most high; ten thousand times ten thousand sound thy praise; but who am I? W Thy brightness unto them appears, whilst I thy footsteps trace; a sound of God comes to my ears, but they behold Thy face. They sing because thou art their Sun; Lord, send a beam on me; for where heaven is but once begun their alleluias be. W Enlighten with faith’s light my heart, inflame it with love’s fire; then shall I sing and bear a part with that celestial choir. I shall, I fear, be dark and cold, with all my fire and light; yet when thou dost accept their gold, Lord, treasure up my mite. W How great a being, Lord, is thine, which doth all beings keep! Thy knowledge is the only line to sound so vast a deep. Thou art a sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere; thy time is now and evermore, thy place is everywhere.

Doxology sung                                                                                      Old 100th


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise

 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The Great Thanksgiving

The Breaking of the Bread


At the Communion         In Paradisum          Ann Martindale, alto

                                         Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)

Text: Antiphon from the traditional Latin liturgy of the Western Church Requiem Mass


In Paradisum deducant te Angeli

in tuo adventu suscipiant te Martyres

et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.

Chorus Angelorum te suscipiant

et cum Lazaro quondam paupere

aeternam habeas requiem.


May the angels lead you into paradise;

may the martyrs greet you at your arrival

and lead you into the holy City of Jerusalem.

May the choir of Angels greet you

and like Lazarus, who once was a poor man,

may you have eternal rest.


Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)




Hymn 594     God of grace and God of Glory       Cwm Rhondda




Voluntary                              Toccatina

                                               Arthur Colinet (1885-1956)


The Flowers today are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Tom Martin, with dedication from his loving family: Josie Martin, Melissa Meyers, and Eleanor Martin.

All are invited to Coffee Hour after the service in

the Macintyre Garden (Parish House Garden).

Our Coffee Hour Coordinator this morning

is Dottie Gennaro.


Celebrant                                   The Rev. Max J. Wolf

Verger                                         Curtis Barnes

Eucharistic Minister              Olly Wolf

Readers                                      Dorothy Baker, Peter Greenhalgh

Prayers of the People              Libby Tracey  

Ushers                                         Peter Greenhalgh, Stacey Stuart,

                                                      Patsy Wright, Robert Inglis

Altar Guild                                  Olly Wolf, Susan & Steve O’Brien,

                                                   John Howish

Choir                                          Kevin Carroll, Eli Jordan, Julia Marks,

                                                     Ann Martindale,     

                                                Dan Rabold, Libby Tracey, Margot Young

Guest Pianist                           Ann Colgrove

Music Director & Organist     Joe Hammer

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