
St. Paul's Church,  founded in 1838, is Nantucket's Episcopal Church. If you are new to our church, the most important thing we can tell you is that:

At St. Paul's, all are welcome 

and are invited to the Lord’s table.

A Message From Our Rector

As St. Paul's Church's 33rdRector, I welcome you to St. Paul's and to this website. 

We are a gathering of people who share the common objective of making God's love more widely known. We believe that by being a loving parish family, we help nourish those around us in our island community and beyond. We are people who truly enjoy being with other people of all walks of life. We are social, friendly, inclusive, open and warmly welcoming.  We are not "High" Church” nor "Low Church,” but as the only Episcopal church on our island, we are “Broad Church”: reverential and both traditional and progressive.  We gather together in worship with music, lay participation and a shared open Communion table to which all are welcome without exception. We also host large and small social events throughout the year. We are committed to both the spiritual and physical wellbeing of our neighbors, and you'll find we are very active in our community.  We look forward to the broadest participation of our congregation in our mission and in the life of the parish. We volunteer gladly and give of time, talent and treasure generously. Please join us!

--Father Max Wolf

Click here to email Father Max through the church office