With Bulletin For May 15 Service

May 14, 2022

Dear St. Paul’s Church Family,
  Warm greetings from foggy Block Island! After some storm delays and necessary detours, Olly and the critters and I finally arrived and have been greeted by the splendor of lilacs and fruit trees just beginning to bloom. This is such a glorious time to be in New England as new life unfolds. Although our winters may sometimes be challenging, I do so savor the variety that the change of seasons brings. 
  Other changes that we endure and attempt to process are far less fragrant than lilacs. Thriving in this contemporary world calls for ever greater flexibility, resilience, and spiritual centeredness as changes swirl around us. Thankfully, God is our solid rock in a world of slipping sand, to paraphrase a traditional hymn.
  When it comes to the subject of change, three ideas quickly come to mind. The first is a simple truism from a fortune cookie message posted for years on our refrigerator, “The only constant in life is change.” (God too, of course!) The second is an observation my Dad would repeat in reference to social progress and the pursuit of justice, “The good old days weren’t good for everyone.” And the third is tomorrow’s second lesson at church and one that always instills in me hope and optimism, from The Revelation to John, chapter 21, “And the one seated upon the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’”
  We will be worshiping here at little St. Ann’s-by-the-Sea tomorrow, and will then catch up with St. Paul’s Sunday broadcast. You remain in our hearts and prayers from our other island.
The peace of Christ,
This Week at St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket
Tuesday -Thursday
8:30 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House
9:00 am-12:00 pm  Regular church office hours; Parish House
Monday, May 16
7:00 pm      Music Monday in person and broadcast in Church
Tuesday, May 17
12:00 pm     Lunchbox Series in Gardner Hall 
Wednesday, May 18
9:00 am      Staff Meeting
Thursday, May 19
11:30 am     Bible Study in person and broadcast in Church, on hiatus until May 26th
Sunday, May 22
9:30 am     Holy Eucharist
3:00 pm     NCMC Concert
* The 8:00 am Eucharist in the Memorial Garden to resume on  May 29th, with the 9:30 am remaining inside the church in person and broadcast.
Coffee Hour Returns!
May 29 after the 9:30am service in Gardner Hall until summer when it moves to the Macintyre Garden
Looking for used bikes in good condition to donate to our J1 Visa bike program. Please contact the office if you are interested in donating. 
Upcoming Happenings
St. Paul’s Lunchbox Series
Tuesdays from 12:00 pm—1:00 pm in Gardner Hall
Pilot Lunchbox Series explored Pontius Pilate in the four Gospels. This Tuesday, the series builds on the Gospels and looks how historians treat Pontius Pilate in the historical context of Jerusalem and Rome. If you missed Pontius Pilate in the Gospels, no worries. A quick reference guide on Pilate is available at lunch. Bring your own lunchbox!
Music Monday – May 16; 7:00-7:30pm
Natalie Mack, NHS junior, will be the special guest vocalist. Please join via Facebook or in person. Access to the church via the Chapel door.
NCMC Concert
May 22 at 3:00pm
The Nantucket Community Music Center (NCMC) Community Chorus will present a spring concert on Sunday, May 22 at 3:00 pm at St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket. Free admission. The concert features secular and sacred choral works – from Gospel to Jazz - by contemporary American composers.
Memorial Day Requiem - A Tribute to the Fallen
May 30 at 9:30am in person and broadcast
Prayers, Hymns, Patriotic Music & Eucharist
Vi Allen Memorial Service
June 25 at 11:00 am
The information to access our daily broadcast offerings is as follows:
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:30am
  • in person
  • via Facebook Live at St Paul's Church in Nantucket - Episcopal
  • or via Zoom at click here and then click on Join a Meeting and use the ID code and then the Passcode when prompted with the meeting ID # 983 0366 8882 Passcode: 373740
  • to phone in 1-301-715-8592 code: 98303668882#
Thursday morning Bible study 11:30-12:30, in person at church and via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID # 957 8383 4554 and Passcode 206515).
Joe Hammer’s Music Monday at 7pm, in person at church and via Facebook Live. Prayers from the Attic on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm with Olly & Max for Sweet Hour of Prayer via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID: 977 4392 2196 and Passcode 834439).
St. Paul's Church in Nantucket is on AmazonSmile
Log on to Amazon
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Amazon will donate .05% of all Smile purchases to St. Paul's.
If you have questions please call either Patsy Wright at 617-460-2006
or Peter Barnes at 617-838-4662
A note about our new online giving portal: it is secure, and your personal information will not be shared with any third party. As before, you may sign up to make one-time donations or recurring ones. If you have been making recurring pledge payments or gifts through our old website, please transfer your account information to our new one here: https://stpaulschurchnantucket.org/give/.
St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)
May 15, 2022
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Ringing the Bell
Prelude                    Introductory Voluntary
                                      Edmund Hart Turpin (1836-1907)
Opening Hymn 432      O praise ye the Lord!      Laudate Dominum
The Easter Acclamation 
Celebrant Alleluia. Christ is risen.
People The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.
Gloria S236                         A Song of Praise (Canticle 13)
                                        Setting: John Rutter (b. 1945)
Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers; you are worthy of praise; glory to you. Glory to you for the radiance of your holy Name; we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever. Glory to you in the splendor of your temple; on the throne of your majesty, glory to you. Glory to you, seated between the Cherubim; we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever. Glory to you, beholding the depths; in the high vault of heaven, glory to you. Glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; we will praise you and highly
exalt you for ever.
Collect of the Day
The Lessons
A Reading from Acts 11:1-8
Psalm 148 (chanted)  Setting: Thomas Attwood Walmisley (1814-1856)
A Reading from Revelation 21:1-6
The Holy Gospel according to John (13:31-35)
Sermon                                                      Curtis Barnes
Music Meditation     Larghetto (excerpt)
                                           F. Cunningham Woods (1862-1929)
Prayers of the People Form III (BCP 387)
Concluding Collect
The Peace
The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.
Offertory                    Brother, sister, let me serve you        Vocalists
                                       Words and Music: Richard Gillard (b. 1953)
Brother, sister, let me serve you; let me be as Christ to you; pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too. We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road; we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. I will hold the Christlight for you in the nighttime of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear. I wil! weep when you are weeping; when you laugh I'll laugh with you; I will share your joy and sorrow, till we've seen this journey through. When we sing to God in heaven, we shall find such harmony, born of all we've known together of Christ's love and agony. Brother, sister, let me serve you; let me be as Christ to you; pray that l may have the grace to let you be my servant too.
Doxology                                                                                                           Old 100th
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The Holy Communion
The Breaking of the Bread
At the Communion   Communion
                                       Alfred R. Gaul (1837-1913)
Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)
Easter Blessing
Hymn 623 O what their joy and their glory must be O quanta qualia
Voluntary               Jubilant March
                                   W. John Reynolds (1861-1922)
The Celebrant                     The Rev. Whitney Burr
Deacon                                  The Rev. Susan Phillips
Verger                                    Curtis Barnes
Acolytes                               Genevieve, Juliet, Maria Frable
Prayers of the People       Dorothy Baker
Readers                                  Lucy Bixby, Vicky Goss   
Ushers                                    Peter Greenhalgh, Stacey Stuart  
Altar Guild                           Cathy Ward, Olly Wolf, John Howish,        
                                                Christine Borneman      
Vocalists                                Alison Boughrum, Andrew Cromartie,    
                                                Jenny Paradis, Don Rabold,
                                                Libby Tracey                   
Live-Stream Tech                Andrew Cromartie
Music Notes
The name “John Rutter,” is well known to choral singers and church musicians worldwide. Here at St. Paul’s, over the past number of weeks, we have been singing his Gloria (S236), and his anthems are performed frequently. I recently came across this “bio,” written in his own words:
Meet John
Well, it’s John here. I’m told I should introduce myself, so:
Gender: male
Nationality: British
Status: married
Age: not important
I’ve known I wanted to be a musician ever since I could walk and talk, and the story is true that I first discovered music at home when I lifted the lid of the old upright piano in my parents’ London apartment and started to prod the keys, while at nursery school I sang along loudly with all the other kids at morning assembly each day. My bewildered parents, probably driven crazy by the hours of piano improvisation and piping treble singing they endured, thought that if you can’t stop it at least get him to do it better, so they sent me at age seven for piano lessons where my piano teacher told me to be a composer, or singer (or anything but please not a pianist).
Fortunately, the boys’ school my parents sent me to had a strong musical tradition, with daily choral worship led by the choir (I needed no second bidding to join) – and the director of music, Edward Chapman, was himself a gifted composer, a pupil in his Cambridge days of Charles Wood (a name that church musicians will know). He encouraged all of us to think composition was normal, ran a fine school choir and orchestra, and pointed my footsteps in the direction of Cambridge University, where I met David Willcocks, the legendary director of King’s College Choir, who took an interest in my compositions, encouraged me to conduct, and recommended me to Oxford University Press, who signed me up while I was still a student and have been my publisher ever since. I’m not sure where the intervening years have all gone, but in a way, I’m still that kid doodling at the piano with his inventions, only now I get paid for it. I compose, conduct, produce recordings, and try to cope with the flood of commitments that a musician’s life involves. Someday I’ll get round to some hobbies.

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