With Bulletin for October 17 Service

October 16, 2021

Dear Fellow St. Paul’s Parishioners,
  Our 2022 Stewardship Campaign is underway, with the theme of "Love, Serve, Thrive"! Watch your mailbox for our brochure and pledge card. Our goal for 2022 is $475,000 in pledges from 200 parishioners, up about 10% from 2021. This target will help assure funding for our growing mission and ministries, particularly our substantial increase in outreach to our community, fellow parishioners and neighbors in these challenging times. This includes our important meals programs, St. Paul’s Suppers and School Snacks, which feed up to 150 families a week but does not have a permanent source of funding in our budget. With the summer season ended and some businesses closing for the winter and laying off workers, we expect food insecurity in Nantucket will only increase going forward.
  There are many ways to pledge for 2022: You may mail your pledge card back to us, drop it off at the church office, or drop it in the collection plate in person at any Sunday service. But for the first time in two years, we will hold our traditional Pledge Sunday, on October 31st, to officially kick off our campaign. You are also able to pledge and make pledge payments securely on line at our website here:
where you can also download a pledge card and brochure. And we are pleased to announce the launch of our new St. Paul’s app, which you can also use to make pledges and payments securely. Just go to your app store, download the Ministry One app and follow the instructions to get started—it looks like this:
The information to access our daily broadcast offerings is as follows:
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9:30am
  • via Facebook Live at St Paul's Church in Nantucket - Episcopal
  • or via Zoom at click here and then click on Join a Meeting and use the ID code and then the Passcode when prompted with the meeting ID # 983 0366 8882 Passcode: 373740
  • to phone in 1-301-715-8592 code: 98303668882#
Thursday morning Bible study 11:30-12:30 via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID # 957 8383 4554 and Passcode 206515).
Joe Hammer’s Music Monday; Prayers from the Attic & Compline on Wednesdays with Olly & me for Sweet Hour of Prayer via Facebook Live or Zoom (with the meeting ID: 977 4392 2196 and Passcode 834439); all at 8:30pm on Facebook Live.
All of our Facebook offerings: are taped for later viewing and also available on
St. Paul's Church in Nantucket is on AmazonSmile
Log on to Amazon
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Amazon will donate .05% of all Smile purchases to St. Paul's.
If you have questions please call either Patsy Wright at 617-460-2006
or Peter Barnes at 617-838-4662
A note about our new online giving portal: it is secure, and your personal information will not be shared with any third party. As before, you may sign up to make one-time donations or recurring ones. If you have been making recurring pledge payments or gifts through our old website, please transfer your account information to our new one here: https://stpaulschurchnantucket.org/give/.
St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket (Episcopal)
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 17, 2021    
Holy Eucharist
Prelude   Wie Groß ist des allmächt'gen Güte; Choral and Variation             Joe Hammer
                 (How great is the goodness of the Almighty!)
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Opening Sentences (BCP 355)                                                                                 
Hymn O Love of God, how strong and true                                             Vocalist
Collect for Purity
Gloria (chanted) Setting: The Shepherd’s Mass for St. Paul’s             Vocalist
                                          Music: Richard Busch (b. 1947)
Collect of the Day
The Lessons
A Reading from Hebrews 5:1-10
Psalm 91:9-16
A Reading from the Gospel according to Mark.                        
(Mark 10:35-45)
Sermon                                                          The Rev. Max Wolf
Music Meditation                      O rest in the Lord, Elijah                               Vocalist
Text from Psalm 37 Music: Felix Mendelssohn
O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, And He shall give thee thy hearts desires. Commit thy way to Him, and trust in Him, And fret not thyself because of evil doers. O rest in the Lord, and wait, wait patiently for Him.
Prayers of the People Form III (BCP 387)
Concluding Collect
The Peace
The Peace of the Lord be always with youAnd also with you.
At the Offertory        The servants well-pleasing to God                                      Vocalist
Words: AnnaMae Meyer Bush (b. 1947) Music: Nicholas, AnnaMae Meyer Bush
The servants well-pleasing to God respond without thinking of self, but joyfully give from the heart and make no demands in return. Lord, when did we see you hungry, imprisoned, lonely or naked, in need of a friend? “Whatever you’ve done for one of these others, in truth you have done it for me.” The servants well-pleasing to God live not for the praise of the world, but give in response to God’s love, which they, undeserving, received. RefrainThe servants well-pleasing to God know he will supply all their needs; and when they will faithfully tithe he’ll give them abundance beside. Refrain.
The Holy Communion
The Breaking of the Bread
At the Communion Sonata VI, Finale (Andante)                            Joe Hammer
                                                Felix Mendelssohn
Postcommunion Prayer (BCP 365)
Hymn                              Jesus, our mighty Lord                                   Vocalist                              
Voluntary                Postlude for Organ in F-major
                                               Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (1805-1847)
Reader                                           Josie Martin
Eucharistic Minister                    Paul Borneman III
Ushers                                           Christine Borneman, Lou Gennaro
Altar Guild                                    Olly Wolf, Cathy Ward, Susan & Steve O’Brien
Ministers of the Parish                All Members of St. Paul’s Church
Vocalist                                        Ann Martindale

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